Minera Spence – Chile Dust suppression systems were implemented in various areas of the project: Primary crusher, Feeder, Secondary crusher, Tertiary.
Minera Escondida Ltda. Dust suppression systems were implemented in various areas of the project: Primary crusher, Oxides and Belts and Crushing.
Compañía Minera Doña Inés de Collahuasi Dust suppression systems were implemented in various areas of the project: Primary crusher, Feeder and belt transfer.
Compañía Minera Zaldivar Dust suppression systems were implemented in various areas of the project: Primary crusher, Feeder and belt transfer.
Sociedad Contractual Minera el Abra Dust suppression systems were implemented in various areas of the project: Primary crusher, Feeder and belt transfer
BHP Billiton - Cerro Colorado Two Dust suppression systems were implemented in various areas of the project: Primary crusher, Feeder y belt screen 101-CV-007. Wind fences were installed to achieve optimal suppression.
Antapacay Tintaya - Perú. Dust suppression systems were implemented in various areas of the project: Primary crusher and belt transfer.
Puerto Mejillones – Belfi A TRC ADS Dust Control system was implemented based on dry fog on the three unloading hoppers, to achieve the air and water quality standards in Mejillones.
Sierra Gorda Five Dust suppression systems were implemented in various areas of the project: Primary crusher and in the unloading of the collectors of the areas 2300, 2400, 2500 y 2600.
Terminal Portuario Neptun - Canada A TRC ADS Dust Control system was implemented based on the three dry fog grain unloading hoppers, to achieve the air and water quality standards for an for optimum quality in fog and optimum performance in the abatement.
Sierra Gorda / Fluor Ingeniería Dust Collectors system for stock bille area, secondary crusher, HPGR mill and screeners.Includes the design and manufacture of 19 dust collector units plus ducts and hoods.
Cerro Casale / Fluor Ingeniería Test on dust suppression system operation in extreme conditionstemperature and altitude (-15B0 C, y 4100 m.s.n.m.)
Compañía Minera Doña Inés de Collahuasi SCM / AKER SOLUTIONS Design and construction of Filter Bags for primary crusher. Phase II, Rosario. Includes three (3) Filter Bags plus duct engineering for the respective Systems.
AMEC /Carmen de Andacollo Diseño y fabricación de filtros de mangas para puerto de concentrado de cobre
Industrias Princesa Ltda. Diseño, suministro y construcción de filtro de mangas en el horno “Morando”